Student’s parliament, to which extent it is working?

By Ahnaf Irsyad

7 December, 2019– A photo series of black and white photos during Student’s Parliament of University of Malaya that was held in UM Court Room.

The parliaments discussed on the matters regarding student’s welfare in campus that will be pushed to action if approved. It is the first time in three years such meeting is held with 49 out of 53 members attending it.

This marked a progressive leap in students’ movement in University of Malaya where rooms of ideas and actions from the students are allowed which is in the right way of prompting towards the goal of full student’s autonomy.


University of Malaya is a premier varsity in Malaysia where it enjoys a high degree of student’s freedom of speech, activism and action where such is a tradition held since its inception in 1959. However, to which extent the relevancy of the parliament lies on student’s voice in decision making.

The varsity is known of producing many of current leading person in Malaysia, especially politicians with a notable alumnis such as Anwar Ibrahim, Teresa Kok and Rosmah Mansur, wife of former PM of Malaysia Najib Razak.

Writer’s bio: Ahnaf Irsyad is an amateur photographer who pretends he is a photojournalist devoted in reporting photos of student’s movement. He is currently in third year of studying in University of Malaya, a varsity he chose to be in for its hotspot of student’s movement.


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